Tourism Australia hosts and participates in industry events and trade shows each year to promote Australia as a premier travel destination.

Held in Australia and key international markets, these events bring together the Australian tourism industry with frontline travel agents and travel wholesalers from around the world and provides a forum for the Australian tourism industry to gain market insights.

Upcoming industry events

Australian Marketplace

Australia Marketplace events are Tourism Australia's offshore missions.

Australia Marketplace events take place in key markets and combine workshops and networking opportunities with the local travel industry in each location.

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G'Day Australia

G’day Australia is an Australia-based trade event that combines a training workshop and familiarisation visits exclusively for qualified Aussie Specialist agents from across the globe. Qualified Aussie Specialists actively sell Australia as a preferred destination to travelers and may be frontline retail agents or from wholesale and online travel agents.

The event provides a professional forum for Australian sellers to train Aussie Specialists and strengthen their specific product knowledge. In addition, through familiarisation visits, agents will have first-hand experience with quality Australian tourism products, enhancing their ability to promote and sell Australia.

The next G’day Australia will take place in Perth, Western Australia from 14-17 October 2024.

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Australia Next

Australia Next (previously known as Dreamtime) is Tourism Australia’s signature incentive showcase, designed to increase awareness of Australia as an outstanding incentive destination. The event provides the Australian business events industry the opportunity to connect with qualified incentive agents from around the world, while showcasing Australia’s best incentive experiences and products.

Australia Next 2024 will take place from 8-11 September in Cairns, Queensland.

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Destination Australia

Tourism Australia hosted the annual Destination Australia conference in Sydney on 13 March 2024 at the International Convention & Exhibition Centre (ICC) Sydney.

The full day conference was followed by an industry networking function. Further information on the 2025 program and registration will be released closer to the event.

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Australian Tourism Exchange

The Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) is the Australian tourism industry’s largest annual business-to-business event.

It brings together Australian tourism businesses, tourism wholesalers and retailers from around the world, to conduct scheduled business appointments and participate in key networking events. It also provides international buyers with the opportunity to experience Australia’s tourism offerings first-hand through pre- and post-event familiarisations.

the Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE25), will be held in Brisbane/Meanjin in partnership with Tourism and Events Queensland, with support from Brisbane Economic Development Authority.

ATE25 is scheduled to take place at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 27 April to 1 May 2025.

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