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Our organisation

Destination NSW is the lead agency, champion and voice for the visitor economy within the NSW Government.


Destination NSW spearheads a whole-of-government approach to visitor economy growth, working with various departments and agencies to market NSW as a destination, to secure and deliver major events, invest in visitor economy infrastructure and support the diverse ecosystem of visitor economy businesses that operate throughout the state

Our Minister

The Hon Steve Kamper MP
Minister for Tourism
Minister for Small Business Minister for Lands and Property Minister for Multiculturalism Minister for Sport


The Destination NSW Board is accountable for the operations of the organisation and the strategies, plans and actions which are implemented to achieve its goals.

The Board has an independent Chair and includes the Chief Executive Officer of Destination NSW; and industry representatives with relevant skills and experience in tourism and events.

The responsible Minister can appoint the Board of Management and remove members. The CEO manages and controls the agency’s affairs as directed in accordance with the Board’s approval, policies and directives.

International offices

Destination NSW has an international network, with offices and staff located in key markets.

Access to Information

Government Information Public Access (GIPA) Act 2009
How can I access government information?
How do applicants make valid formal access applications?
Contact us
Further information

Destination NSW Act 2011

The Act established Destination NSW as the lead NSW Government agency to achieve economic and social benefits for the people of NSW through the development of the visitor economy and securing of major events.

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