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The Regional Conferencing Unit is responsible for securing and supporting conferences, incentive programs and corporate events for regional NSW that distribute the benefits of high-yield business visitors across the state.

It delivers the Business Events NSW Program to raise awareness and consideration for regional NSW as a premiere business event destination and drive new event sales enquiries directly to our valued stakeholders.

We work directly with business event organisers to provide destination, product, experience and supplier information to help influence decision making and drive additional visitation, expenditure, and length of stay for conferences being held in NSW.

These efforts are conducted in partnership with Business Events Sydney, which is responsible for delivering international business event opportunities and strategically significant domestic events for Sydney.

In partnership with the Destination Networks, we also support industry development initiatives to help improve the quality and range of conferencing experiences and their delivery by key stakeholders in region.

We work collaboratively with local operators, councils and local tourism organisations to help increase regional capacity and capability to secure and deliver business events across the state.

There are several ways the visitor economy industry can engage and leverage Destination NSW’s business event activities. Find out more below.

News & updates

Destination NSW conducts event buyer sales activities and exhibits at key business event tradeshows throughout the year to drive awareness, consideration and bookings for regional NSW destinations and operators.

We also publish regular LinkedIn posts and deliver a quarterly newsletter for our event planner database to showcase new products and experiences available for the business events market across NSW.

To share information about new products, experiences and offers with our team contact

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