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Sydney statistics

Find the most recent updates on visitation figures to Sydney, the international gateway to Australia.

Quarterly snapshot: travel to Sydney

Sydney is the international gateway to Australia and its number one destination for domestic and international visitors.

Sydney was number one among all Australian capital cities for total domestic visitors (27 per cent), nights (25 per cent) and expenditure (26 per cent) in the year ending March 2024.

The data source is National Visitor Survey (NVS) and International Visitor Survey (IVS) conducted by Tourism Research Australia (TRA), a branch within Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade). TRA is Australia's leading provider of quality tourism intelligence across both international and domestic markets.

The geographic definition of Sydney is Sydney Tourism Region as per TRA's tourism region boundaries.

Latest release

  • Travel to Sydney snapshot: March 2024


  • Travel to Sydney snapshot: December 2023
  • Travel to Sydney snapshot: September 2023
  • Travel to Sydney snapshot: June 2023

Time series – travel to Sydney

Latest release

  • Travel to Sydney time series: March 2024

Latest Releases

  • Travel to Sydney time series: December 2023
  • Travel to Sydney time series: September 2023
  • Travel to Sydney time series: June 2023

Sydney precinct visitor profiles

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  • Manly visitor profile 2023
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