Destination NSW has partnered with the Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC) to provide free access for internationally-ready NSW tour, attraction and accommodation businesses to access three ATEC Host online learning modules: China Host, India Host and Accessible & Inclusive Host.

The training programs show how to effectively attract and service visitors from key markets by being culture-ready, product and service ready and market and trade ready, plus how to work effectively with key travel distributors.

All programs are online and self-directed.

China Host

The 'China Host' online training modules include Market & Culture ReadyProduct & Service Ready and Trade Ready. These are useful if you are needing a refresher or are new to attracting and servicing the China market.

India Host

The 'India Host' online training modules include Market & Culture Ready, Product & Service Ready and Trade Ready. These are useful if you are needing a refresher or are new to attracting and servicing the India market.

Accessible & Inclusive Host

The 'Accessible & Inclusive Host' online training modules are available as a self-directed course and includes Culture Ready, Product Ready and Service Ready.

Express your interest in participating in China Host, India Host and Accessible & Inclusive Host here.