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Snapshots of international visitor arrivals to NSW and the latest NSW international and domestic aviation performance reports.

International aviation performance

The state's international aviation performance is measured by inbound seat and flight capacities as well as short-term visitor arrivals from major source countries.

An interactive map of international destinations connected to NSW and Australia can be accessed here.

Latest release:

  • International aviation performance: YE September 2024

Visitor movement to/from NSW

Overseas Arrivals and Departures (OAD) refer to the recorded arrival or departure of persons through Australian air or sea ports (excluding operational air and ships' crew, transit passengers who pass through Australia but are not cleared, some defence force personnel, passengers on pleasure cruises commencing and finishing in Australia, and undocumented arrivals or departures). Statistics on OAD relate to the number of movements of travellers rather than the number of travellers (i.e. the multiple movements of individual persons during a given reference period are all counted). It includes the movements of all travellers regardless of their nationality, citizenship or legal status.

The focus of this data is information and analysis of short-term movements (i.e. less than one year), in particular short-term visitor arrivals and short-term resident returns.

The OAD quarterly snapshot provides insights on the visitor movement to and from NSW. The data is sourced from Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Latest Release:

  • OAD quarterly snapshot: September 2024


  • OAD quarterly snapshot: June 2024
  • OAD quarterly snapshot: March 2024

Domestic aviation performance

Domestic air connections are an important factor in the growth and development of a destination. These fact sheets provide an overview of domestic aviation capacity in NSW.

Latest release:

  • Domestic aviation performance: YE September 2024

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