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The latest figures on accommodation performance in NSW.

Commercial accommodation in NSW

The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) has enlisted STR to manage the country’s accommodation data collection. This collection involves participation from hotels, motels, serviced apartments and holiday park cabins in Australia’s capital cities and regional areas.

STR's database reports supply, demand and revenue for commercial establishments with 10 or more rooms. The quarterly snapshot provides a summary of the commercial accommodation sector in NSW. The data is sourced from STR.

Latest release:

  • Accommodation snapshot: Q4 2024

Australian Accommodation Monitor

The Australian Accommodation Monitor (AAM) measures and tracks the performance of the Australian commercial accommodation industry on a financial year basis, by region and market class. STR's database reports supply, demand and revenue for commercial establishments with 10 or more rooms. The latest and historical summaries can be found here.

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