“Sydney has earned a global reputation as a destination for major international sporting events which add significant value to the NSW economy,” Mr Annesley said.”The ICC Cricket World Cup will be the biggest sporting event in the world in 2015 and will provide another bonanza for sports fans and businesses in NSW.
“Over one billion people are expected to watch the series on television, and the NSW Government has secured not only a number of major pool games, but also a quarter-final, and a semi-final. In the lead-up to the tournament proper, NSW will also host a series of warm up matches at other venues including in Western Sydney.
“The Sydney Cricket Ground is without question one of the world’s most iconic sporting arenas and will be at its pristine best following the $186 million redevelopment which is due for completion in time for the 2014 Ashes Series.
“With the additional seating available the record for a one-day crowd may well be exceeded.
“NSW will host more games than any other State, featuring major Cricketing nations including South Africa, England, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, West Indies and Australia.
“The major semi-final will be played at the SCG on Thursday 26 March to determine one of the two finalists,” Mr Annesley added.
All games staged in NSW will be day/night fixtures and include the following:
- South Africa v West Indies – Friday 27 Feb 2015
- Australia v Sri Lanka – Sunday 8 March
- England v Qualifier 2 – Fri 13 March
- Quarter Final 1 – Wednesday 18 March
- Semi Final – Thursday 26 March
Full details of on the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 and tournament qualifying are available at cricketworldcup.com, where fans can also register for ticketing news and other tournament updates. Ticketing information including tiers and packages will be released later this year.
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