Destination NSW Chief Executive Officer, Sandra Chipchase, said that the new Co-operative Marketing Opportunities with Destination NSW Prospectus, will be distributed to industry stakeholders and can be downloaded from the Destination NSW website.
“The new Prospectus is a detailed guide to the services and resources that Destination NSW can offer to industry. Regardless of business size or budget, tourism and event operators can access resources to help them reach more customers and increase interest in their product, service or event.
“We are committed to working in partnership with our stakeholders to grow the profile of Sydney and NSW in our key domestic and international markets.” Ms Chipchase said.
“The Prospectus will also be available online with content updated regularly. Any businesses interested in working with us can complete an Expression of Interest form online and submit it to us instantly. Our staff will follow up and provide further advice on how to participate in our co-operative marketing campaigns, trade shows, international missions and familiarisations as well as gain access to extensive industry research and ways to list details on our consumer websites.”
Minister for Tourism and Major Events, George Souris, said the Government will be investing $400 million over four years to ensure NSW is Australia’s premier tourism and events destination.
“This significant commitment will provide a renewed impetus for government and industry to work together to grow and strengthen our industry which currently generates around $29 billion in tourism consumption and help us achieve our target of doubling overnight visitor expenditure in NSW by 2020,” Mr Souris said.
“I commend Destination NSW on producing this Prospectus which gives NSW tourism and event operators easy access to targeted sales and marketing activities and tools designed to generate business for the NSW industry.”
A copy of the Prospectus can be downloaded here.
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