The launch was attended by world famous Australian-Indian Bollywood director, Anupam Sharma, who filmed the ‘Jhappi Time’ campaign, which translates to ‘Hug Time’ in Hindi.

“The ‘Jhappi Time’ campaign aims to build on the State’s reputation as the key destination for Indian travellers to Australia,” Mr O’Farrell said.

“Sydney is the number one Australian destination for Indian travellers, with Regional NSW growing in popularity among tourists from India,” he said.

“India is one of the State’s most important tourism, trade and business investment markets, and ‘Jhappi Time’ will enhance tourism from India, which is currently worth an estimated $183 million a year to the NSW economy.

“Growing the tourism market is essential for jobs and investment in NSW and that’s why we’re doing so much to encourage people from India to come and visit our great State.

“The NSW Government is committed to boosting the number of tourists visiting our shores because of its importance to growing the economy and improving jobs, especially for young people.”

Mr Souris said more than 77,000 visitors arrived in NSW from India in the year to September 2013, accounting for 48 per cent of all visitors from India to Australia.

“More than 60 per cent of these tourists arrived in NSW for the very first time, 38 per cent were visiting family and friends, and almost 37 per cent had chosen this great State as their holiday destination of choice.”

Mr Souris said it was an innovative campaign featuring four stories of families from India enjoying time with family and friends in Sydney and NSW.

“Bollywood director Anupam Sharma has portrayed Sikh and Hindu families reuniting with loved ones studying and working in Sydney,” he said.

“The digital campaign will encourage visitors from India to enjoy the best NSW has to offer, whether it be our stunning harbour, sandy beaches or unique regional attractions.

“The extraordinary scenery is complemented with scenes of Bollywood dancing and music while promoting Sydney, which was recently ranked the world’s safest and friendliest city.”

Destination NSW CEO Sandra Chipchase said ‘Jhappi Time’ was an integrated campaign that supports industry partners and travel wholesalers to promote ‘Jhappi Time’ travel packages and airfare offers to Indian travel agents and visitors.

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