The campaign by Destination NSW and the Caravan and Camping Industry Association of NSW (CCIA) will run until mid-year, providing a wealth of new online content to help travellers plan the perfect trip, including 30 new pages dedicated to caravan and camping on
Mr Souris launched the campaign today at the Poplar Caravan Park in Camden, alongside Member for Camden, Chris Patterson. He said the campaign encourages people to ‘step right into their holiday’ from their holiday park, caravan or camping base.
“Caravanning and camping is a growing market for tourism in NSW, and makes up 28 per cent of visitor holiday nights across the state. This makes it a vitally important part of the tourism mix,” Mr Souris said.
“The decision to launch this new campaign follows the tremendous success of last year’s effort, which saw more than 130,000 visits to the campaign webpage.
“NSW is already Australia’s favourite State for caravanning and camping, attracting 39 per cent of the country’s caravan and camping visitors. In the past year, almost 2.4 million people stayed in caravan and camping accommodation in NSW, injecting $1.9 billion into the State’s economy,” he said.
Mr Patterson said the availability of great holiday parks across NSW mean holidaymakers can have nature at their doorstep without sacrificing comfort.
“Whether you’re after waterfront views, bush surrounds or all the creature comforts of a luxury cabin, nature is right on your doorstep when staying in a NSW Holiday Park,” he said.
“The new online campaign will help people plan a trip to somewhere breathtaking in NSW – be it to the mountains, the coast, the bush, the Outback or the beautiful Macarthur region on the outskirts of Sydney.”
CCIA President Theo Whitmont said: “This is the fifth year we have partnered with Destination NSW to deliver a campaign that promotes this popular and fast growing segment of the travel industry,” he said.
“The last year saw a 20 per cent increase in the number of visitors to commercial caravan parks in NSW, and a 17 per cent growth in visitor nights, which is an incredibly strong performance, and our previous campaigns have played a part in this growth.”
To view the new campaign, including information on caravan and camping destinations and products, helpful hints and tips to plan a holiday, and access to the virtual caravan park, go to the caravan and camping page at
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