Capacity between Australia and China will immediately increase by 136 per cent from 22,500 to 53,000 seats per week. In October 2015, an additional 8,000 seats will be released followed by an additional 6,000 in October 2016, bringing the total extra capacity to 67,000 seats per week or triple the current number.
‘This proactive measure from the Federal Government will help Sydney and NSW capitalise on China’s burgeoning tourism market by providing more capacity and choice for Chinese travellers who wish to visit Sydney and NSW and experience everything we have on offer,’ Mr Grant said.
‘China is a priority market for NSW, so working with the Chinese travel trade to secure extra capacity for Sydney is key to the NSW Government’s goal of doubling overnight visitor expenditure by 2020.
‘NSW is the number one Australian state for Chinese visitors. In the year ending September 2014 around 444,000 Chinese visitors stayed nearly 12.1 million nights and spent over $1.57 billion dollars.
‘The NSW Government’s tourism and major events agency, Destination NSW will work together with Sydney Airport to secure as many additional seats as possible for Sydney and NSW.
Destination NSW Chief Executive Officer, Sandra Chipchase said the tourism industry was excited at the prospect of working with airlines to secure as many extra seats as possible for Sydney and New South Wales.
‘According to year end September 2014 figures, we have generated significant growth from China (+8.6% visitors) and expenditure (+15.2%) and this aviation initiative is great news for our industry.’
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