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Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009

In the 2023-2024 financial year, Destination NSW received four valid access applications under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Pursuant to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Destination NSW reviews its release of Government information each year. As a result of this review, Destination NSW will continue to provide open access to a range of information, such as annual reports, e-newsletters, media resources, social media accounts, policy documents, statistics and research, and a register of government contracts including contract values and copies of Class 3 contracts.

Destination NSW aims to strike a balance to provide information to the public, while acknowledging the resources of Destination NSW and the commercial nature of its operations.

Destination NSW received one informal application during the reporting period. A detailed breakdown of the types and nature of the requests is provided in the following tables.

Table A: Number of applications by type of applicant and outcome*

Access granted in fullAccess granted in partAccess refused in fullInformation not heldInformation already availableRefuse to deal with applicationRefuse to confirm/deny whether information is heldApplication withdrawn
Members of Parliament
Private sector business
Not-for-profit organisations or community groups111
Members of the public (application by legal representative)
Members of the public (other)

* More than one decision can be made in respect of a particular access application. If so, a recording must be made in relation to each such decision. This also applies to Table B.

Table B: Number of applications by type of application and outcome*

Access granted in fullAccess granted in partAccess refused in fullInformation not heldInformation already availableRefuse to deal with applicationRefuse to confirm/deny whether information is heldApplication withdrawn
Personal information applications*
Access applications (other than personal information applications)1211
Access applications that are partly personal information applications and partly other

* A “personal information application” is an access application for personal information (as defined in clause 4 of Schedule 4 to the Act) about the applicant (the applicant being an individual).

Privacy and personal information

Destination NSW respects the privacy of members of the public who use its services and of its employees.

As a NSW Public Service Executive Agency, Destination NSW must comply with NSW state and commonwealth privacy legislation.

During FY23-24, no complaints were received regarding the privacy management of Destination NSW.

Destination NSW has a privacy policy, which is reviewed regularly. The privacy policy and terms of use documents for all Destination NSW websites were amended as a result of the General Data Privacy Regulation released by the European Commission.

Destination NSW continues to work with the Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade on cyber security and privacy matters impacting on the agency and the cluster as a whole.

Destination NSW advises members of the public of its privacy obligations in various media and correspondence, such as website terms and conditions. Destination NSW also outlines its privacy obligations in contracts with third parties and requests those third parties also be aware of and comply with privacy legislation.

Requests for access to personal information held by Destination NSW may be made to the Privacy Officer at Level 2, 88 Cumberland Street, The Rocks, NSW, 2000 or by telephone on (02) 9931 1111.

In compliance with the provisions of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Destination NSW has a Privacy Management Plan and has a designated Privacy Officer.

Mechanisms have been established to make Destination NSW staff aware of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and other privacy obligations.

In all staff contracts, staff are required to exercise confidentiality in their dealings with third parties and in the execution of their duties.

Public interest disclosures

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 requires agencies to report to the Ombudsman on Public Interest Disclosures (PIDs) and include this information in Annual Reports. This report covers the PIDs received during the period from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.

  • Number of public officials who have made a disclosure to the Agency: 0
  • Number of public interest disclosures received by the Agency relating to:
  • Corrupt conduct: 0
  • Maladministration: 0
  • Serious and substantial waste: 0
  • Government information contravention: 0
  • Total number of public interest disclosures received: 0
  • Number of public interest disclosures finalised as of 30 June 2024: 0

The Destination NSW PID Reporting Policy and Procedure was developed in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022. Staff are aware of the policy’s contents and the protections available. Destination NSW staff have access to the policy on the intranet and have received training through presentations and workshops on the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022.


  • Management & Accountability: Operations